
You’re Never Too “Old” To Become an Organ Donor!

Categories: Estate Planning

A common misconception surrounding organ donation is the idea of being “too old” to donate, or the idea of nobody wanting the organs of someone who is older. This is simply not the case! Did you know that in 2018, more than 62% of all people who received organ transplants were age 50 or older? Or that […]


Categories: Child Custody & Spousal Support

CHILD CUSTODY – Custody is divided into two areas, legal and physical. Custody can be shared or exercised jointly or it can be exercised solely. Some people refer to sole custody as “full” custody. The terms are interchangeable but the legal term is “sole.” Sole legal custody means that one parent shall have the right and […]

How to Use Estate and Gift Tax to Maximize Tax Savings

Categories: Estate Planning

Estate Unified Credit Amount Increases to $5,490,000 in 2017. Before the close of the current tax year talk to an estate planning attorney. The Estate Tax is a tax on the transfer of property to your heirs upon your death. Each of us gets an estate and gift tax exemption allowing us to transfer property to […]

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